Top 5 Things to Consider When Purchasing Home Insurance

One of the most important investments you will make is purchasing a home. Not only is it a large financial investment, but your home is also likely where you and your family will live for many years. Because of this, it is important to protect your home with insurance. However, buying home insurance can be…

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Tips for Preventing Car Accidents

Every year, millions of people are involved in car accidents. While some of these accidents are minor fender-benders, others can be much more serious, resulting in injuries, property damage, and even death. Fortunately, there are steps that everyone can take to help prevent car accidents from happening in the first place. CG Insurance Agency in Williamston,…

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What Are Some Common Mistakes People Make With Umbrella Insurance?

Purchasing umbrella insurance is an excellent move if you have significant savings, assets, and income that you want to protect. However, it’s critical that you be careful when purchasing umbrella insurance not to make mistakes that can hurt you financially. Here are some typical mistakes people make with umbrella insurance that every resident of the greater…

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How to Protect All the Buildings on Your Property

CG Insurance Agency is here to meet the insurance needs of the Williamston, MI area. If you have questions, our team is here to help. Finding the right insurance policy to protect your property is worth the time and effort! Make sure that all buildings on your property are protected Homeowner’s insurance comes in a variety…

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Do I Need Umbrella Insurance?

Think of umbrella insurance as an extra safety net that kicks into gear when your existing liability coverage on your insurance policies is exhausted. In short, an umbrella policy protects your existing assets and future assets from the cost of losing a lawsuit because of a vehicle accident, incident at your home, or any other…

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A Home Insurance Claim: to File or Not to File?

Insurance is meant to protect you against financial loss. But is it really meant to protect you from any and all financial loss? When it comes to filing a loss claim on your home insurance, there may be times when not filing may be the wisest course of action.1 According to one study, filing just…

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A Brief Guide to Condo Insurance

The ownership structure of a condominium unit is different from that of a single family house. Here’s what you need to know when purchasing insurance for your condo.1 Understand the Master Policy Since the ownership of all common areas is shared with other condo owners, the association of owners typically purchases insurance coverage (a master…

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The Eight Types of Home Insurance

When you purchase a home, whether an apartment, condo, townhouse, or house, if you take out a mortgage, the bank will require you to purchase homeowners insurance. At CG Insurance Agency serving Williamston, MI, we want you to understand your options when choosing coverage for your home. Your humble adobe might not be very humble…

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Dog Bites Neighbor. Now What?

In 2020, there were 16,991 dog bite claims nationwide totaling aggregate damages of about $854 million, according to the Insurance Information Institute.1 For most homeowners (and renters), a standard policy generally covers any legal liability that may result from their dog biting or harming another individual. Typically, this coverage is designed to extend to places…

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